Distance education at the national university
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Department of General Linguistics and European Languages Professor Ibrayeva Zh. K. Teacher Nabiyeva G. S. Teacher Zhaksylykkyzy K. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University switched to distance learning like other universities in the country to prevent the spread of the epidemic that shook the world. It is clear that such changes are a big challenge for any university. Despite the fact that it is the largest university in terms of the number of students, we can proudly say that al-Farabi Kazakh National University has been successfully passing this test.
It can be said that temporary changes in the education system did not have a negative impact on the quality of education at the National University, since the distance learning system was used in the past. The educational program of students studying at foreign universities under the program of academic mobility, dual degree programs are carried out according to a unified distance learning model. In addition, part-time students also study remotely.
The educational process at KazNU is always carried out in accordance with modern requirements. While implementing distance learning the university offers several platforms. Decades ago, the university was one of the first to introduce the system of «Univer». The educational and methodological complex of any discipline can be downloaded on the above website and students can receive detailed information about the subject, program, curriculum at any time. Distance learning has also been successfully implemented on univer. kaznu. kz, which is one of the main work platforms and still provides the educational system of the university. Teachers and students have the opportunity to exchange assignments through the «Distance courses» button. Each lesson is scheduled. Video lessons using online lessons are uploaded to the system and regularly monitored by the University Situation and Monitoring Center.
Our university has a distance learning website dl. kaznu. kz, which has no special analogue. The possibilities of this site are very broad. The Moodle system allows you to solve problems in the learning process and share knowledge. Teachers can deliver lectures, seminars and IWS assignments and students can upload their answers in written form within the system. In addition, with the help of dedicated buttons you can take lectures or seminars with students via an online conference. On this site you can download various links, audio and video materials, files of different formats.
As well as these two major distance learning platforms, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Youtube Live, Google Meet, etc. are successfully used which are globally applied.
In addition to the educational process, scientific and cultural events are held according to the plan. Currently, the work of student clubs and research organizations has changed to the online format. Meetings of the Academic Council of the University, meetings of faculties and departments, almost all curatorial hours continue in the format of video conferencing. For example, cultural events dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay and the 1150th anniversary of al-Farabi are also held remotely via Zoom or Youtube Live. The traditional conference of students and young scientists «FARABI ALEMI» was held on time online on April 6, 2020. All reports presented in the program were heard, questions were asked, discussions and a full-fledged conference were held.
The university administration, its faculties and departments, especially the Institute for New Educational Technologies and the Institute for Information Technologies and Innovative Development have made a significant contribution to the introduction of distance learning at the university. These institutes provide noctidial informational support to teachers and students and provide advice on technological features of distance learning.
More than 25 thousand students, undergraduates and doctoral students study at 16 faculties and 67 departments of the university in a multi-level system of professional education. Today, university staff and thousands of students continue to work with an excellent organization. We wish the university staff the best of luck this academic year!
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