Седьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей


Transition to digital learning during the global pandemic at Kazakh National University

Восьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей




Ibrayeva Zhanar Kulmatovna acting professor,
Nabiyeva Gulnaz Serikkyzy teacher,
Zhaksylykkyzy Karlygash teacher,
Department of General Linguistics and European Languages of the Faculty of Philology of the al-Farabi Kazakh National university

Transition to digital learning during the global pandemic at Kazakh National University

The current socio-economic situation and information and communication technologies set radically new requirements for graduates and general education. This, in turn, increases the need for competent teachers and new teaching methods. One of the priority areas of education is the development of modern methods of teaching and education based on information technology, equipping schools with appropriate equipment, electronic textbooks, the introduction of modern educational technologies through the use of opportunities to increase the information competence of teachers.

It is known that due to the pandemic, the educational process in the country is carried out in the format of distance learning. The use of digital educational tools in the model of distance learning is appropriate, as it allows to increase the activity of students, improve the quality of education and professionalism of teachers and change the attitudes of participants in the educational process.

Teachers of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University actively use digital educational tools in the educational process. The Institute of New Educational Technologies under the Department of Academic Affairs of the University offers teachers and students such tools as Padlet, Mentimeter, Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet, Miro, Trello, Microsoft // Google Forms. The institute has appointed distance learning coordinators at each faculty of the university. These coordinators provide continuous information support to the faculties. Most importantly, the use of the above digital educational tools is fully ensured and constantly monitored by the university. In order to avoid technical obstacles, distance learning coordinators prepared special video instructions and carried out explanatory work. For example, Microsoft Office 365 offers Microsoft Forms and Microsoft Teams. To use them, all teachers or students need to register for the service via a corporate e-mail address. Nowadays, digital learning tools are very convenient during midterm. With their help you can give individual or group tasks, take tests, as well as play games with students.

Given that due to the pandemic, students and teachers only see each other online, digital auxiliary educational tools can help to intensify lessons and strengthen the relationship between teacher and student. This is because it is not easy for people who have met offline to establish a successful relationship. And because today’s young people are fully adapted to technology, it is better to communicate with them in their own language, that is, with the help of modern technology.
